Cassandra Hayes

Cassandra Hayes

Friday, June 18, 2010


Reflecting on how I have perceived the role of the Teacher Librarian (TL) has considerably changed from that of a few months ago. Initially, and now with trepidation that I say this, I believed that the TL was responsible for the library by means of shelving books, being responsible for children’s borrowing and returning and to engage children in rich literature. I look at that now and wonder at what rock I was hiding under.
With an open mind and enthusiasm I embarked upon a learning journey that has both surprised and shocked me. I was surprised at how little I knew about the role of a TL even though I had been a classroom teacher for the past 16 years. What shocked me the most is exactly how much literature is out there in this technologically advancing world and I was unaware that it existed. As Haycock states, information literacy “is a basic skill for the 21 Century” (Haycock, 1991)
When reflecting on this new knowledge then I needed to ask myself some questions as to how I can synthesise and use this information in a literate way.
Question 1: What strategies have I learnt through this course to help me in being a better practitioner and a good teacher librarian?
Whilst studying this course I have learnt many new terms; Information Literate School community, Resource Based Learning, information skills models, ALIA and ASLA and of course APA. How ignorant I was that I did not even know that the Standards of Professional Excellence even existed. Had I been made aware of this earlier I am sure that my knowledge of my role would have been clearer. It is always good to have guidelines to work towards and to strive for. These standards are now hung on my pin board in my office and I strive to concentrate on improving in one standard every 2 weeks through my teaching and learning.
Although the readings were quite extensive, I found them to be of benefit. I had no prior knowledge or aid in the role I had taken on this year. I have spent hours reading comments left on the forum, and found that I began to follow one or two people more closely. This came about purely by chance. I went onto the forum to ask a question regarding Assignment One that had to do with referencing. Phillip Cooney seemed to explain things in a way that made sense to me. I kept seeing his name come up on many responses to enquiries and I managed to have a clearer understanding thanks to his explanations of a few readings. Robyn Veugen was another student that I followed with earnest.
Question 2: What must I do to ensure that other classroom teachers are not misinformed about my role or unaware of my role as a teacher librarian?
TL’s can begin to make some of these changes by raising their profile in the school.
I think that the TL needs to raise the profile of the library by:
– being proactive within the school, and showing leadership
- working collaboratively with other staff
-running training and development for staff
- communicating effectively with the Principal, and having a supportive Principal
This last point has significance for me as I reflected on a reading by Hartzell. He states, ‘...many principals overlook libraries and librarians as the potentially powerful instruments in that work because they have not been educated to the library’s value...’ (Hartzell, 2002). Luckily for me, my principal is as eager as I am to learn about my role and how best to use my expertise within the school context. We have dates booked next term for me to share my findings from assignments covered in my study this year.
Question 3: How did my mindset change in understanding of the role of the teacher librarian?
Believe it or not, my mindset changed by becoming an “Information Literate” person. Learning about the different information skill models and looking in detail at the processes that my students need to become information literate in today’s society, I too have learnt. I was particularly taken with Kuhlthau’s notions about the impact on the information seeker (Kuhlthau, 2009) and have been able to make a personal connection of this understanding in the way in which I have approached my study.
By conducting an analysis of the school community and by opening up the opportunity for the staff to work with me in collaboratively sourcing resources has enabled me to advocate the role of the collection and me as the teacher librarian. (Hayes, 2010)
Question 4: What is the role of the teacher librarian?
I am still learning what that is. The role of a TL is difficult to define, as they have such a variety of skills and expertise to offer and call upon. It is one where the TL has many skills and knowledge to be shared within a school. A TL is an educator of both classroom practice and expert knowledge in curriculum, resourcing, digital technologies and library management. (Australian School Library Association, 2009) All of these skills combine to develop effective teaching strategies to foster Information Literate School Communities. A teacher Librarian has the expertise to guide the learning of students to become effective information users, as they are information specialists. (Hay & Foley, 2009)

Australian School Library Association. (2000, August). School Library- Policies and Statements. Retrieved May 2010, from Bill of Rights:
Australian School Library Association. (2009, February). Statement of teacher librarians in Australia. Retrieved March 2, 2010, from ASLA:
Hartzell, G. (2002, November). Why should principals support school libraries? Eric Digest .
Hay, L., & Foley, C. (2009, May). School libraries building capacity for student learning in 21C. Scan , p. 17.
Haycock, C. (1991). Resource-based learning: a shift in the roles of the teacher, learner. NASSP Bulletin, vol 75(535) , pp. 15-22.
Hayes, C. (2010, June). Cassiehayes blogspot. Retrieved June 10, 2010, from Cassie's Chronicles:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 1st 2010 - Assignments and readings again!

I am immersing myself in as much information as I can to be fully aware of the topic for this final assessment. Little time to think about anything except standards and information literacy models. Which ones to choose???

May 22nd 2010 - Conversations with the Principal...

Wow what a week! I have spent a few weeks off work but am still in contact with school, as I have to take my daughter there and pick her up daily. So, what a surprise, to be called into the principal’s office. I am pleased to say that my principal was extremely happy with my final copy of a proposed school library policy! She was very impressed with the research that had gone into it and the professionalism of the final draft. She took the policy to the executive team for their input and reflection. I was informed that the policy needed a little tweaking and input from the powers that be then it is going to be the official policy for collection within our Library! Yippee! The only thing I wished now was that I was not off sick and was able to deliver the policy outline to the executive staff myself. Oh well, when I have finally made the changes and had them approved I know I will be able to deliver the policy to the whole staff in a more informed and assertive way as I now understand my role and the function of the library in a deeper context.

May 18th 2010 - Getting back on track!

The time off has certainly helped the head space. I have began readings again and have been surprised at how much information I didn’t learn the first time I read it. Thanks be to Robin Menzies, In the Assignment 2 forum: -A great link to quality teaching and standards. There have been a few people that I have religiously searched out on the forums. Some people just seem to have the knack of writing to explain some of my own queries and understandings. Phillip Cooney always seems to be right on the money with referencing queries and no sooner have I thought of a question than he has answered it.
One particular conversation that I followed and had a big learning moment from would have to have been a question that was raised about Blooms Taxonomy being considered as an IL model. This was not even a thought I would have come up with. I am always amazed at where ideas came from so read on to see if I was either A) completely off track with my learning, or B)not opening my mindset to allow for further synthesis. Result: I learned a lot with just a few responses. I learned that I needed to look outside the square and that I could always incorporate previous knowledge and adapt it to fit within other work. I think I finally also learnt the difference between a process in IL and thinking strategies!

May 8th 2010 - Sickness

Well I have just been to the lowest of the low. I have been given a medical certificate and told to lay off the work for a few weeks. Thanks to Roy and Ashley for their understanding in giving me extensions for the next assignments as I am taking a bit of time out to do nothing.

May 6th 2010 - Wow, What a let down!

I failed the 401 Assignment... Hmm where to from here? Keep moving on!

May 1st 2010 - Wooohoooo!

I passed the first assignment for ETL 503! I only just passed, but it is a relief!
Thank you also to the marker. I received lots of feedback in regard to where I could have improved, areas that I covered well and also some other areas of interest to look into!

April 14th 2010 - Assignments!

Well the first of the assignments are done and off. I must say that I am very worried about them. I have not studied for more than 20 years and am finding it difficult to fit it all in. I fear the worst as I wait for the results.
I have struggled with what is required for the scholarly paper from the first moment I read the question.... I hope that is not an omen.

April 5th 2010 - Readings! Readings! Readings!

Wow, I seem to be reading the same things over and over and nothing seems to be sinking in all that well. I am finding it difficult to synthesis the readings and apply them to my own experiences as a teacher and my work in the library! HELP!
What is a teacher librarian? With so many readings and many ways in which to answer I have only a few words to say! If the teacher librarian doesn’t understand their position how can we expect anyone else to?
The lack of a "clear role definition" and as you say, "often classroom teachers have been confused about what should occur in library sessions and who should be the main organiser of these sessions". To make matters worse, as a new TL, I didn't have a clear idea either, and despite scouring procedure and policy manuals for clues - there was little guidance to be found!
The TL is changing roles when it comes to RBL. They must move from their own traditional role of ‘how to find stuff, and place greater emphasis on how to extract, process, and use information’. Haycock, C. (1991).

March 26th 2010 - Collaboration – “OUR WAY... A New Way into the 21st Century”

An area for me that I have been working on is collaborating more effectively with the needs of the teaching staff. Trying to enter into a collaborative relationship to share the responsibility for collection selection is a new and novel idea to the staff at my school. As a new Teacher Librarian, and a new teacher to the school, I am finding that I don’t do things “their way”. Too often you hear the words “At our school...” or “We don’t do it like that”. Well, I seem to have put a bit of a twist onto “their way”, and have created “OUR WAY...A New Way into the 21st Century”.
I have tried to make my way around to all Key Learning Area Committee meetings, to introduce a new way of gathering resources into the Library. It has “always been the responsibility of the librarian” to gather, select and acquire resources for the school without any or little negotiation of the teaching staff. I think the staff have enjoyed being able to have their input valued in the selection of valuable resources. They have made informed decisions and are using the resources found in the collection more, as they see the importance of their input. The staff has actually been more inclined to ask for help in finding resources for classroom activities. This is a gradual process. The staff is using the library as more of an extension to their own classroom.... FINALLY!
Now to get them to become more involved on RBL! Hee, hee, hee!

March 23rd 2010 - Analysis of the Community

A deep breath and begin again! I have found that conducting an analysis of the school community put me in a better frame of mind. The knowledge now about the needs and wants of the school community as a whole has opened up a new way of looking at my role as a teacher librarian. The school lacks digital resources yet at the same time screams out for these resources to aid in the learning development of the clientele! Aha! Thanks to the reading of Bishop, as it concludes that a community analysis is needed for a collection which will be used (Bishop, 2007).

March 15th 2010

Well it seems that my memory is failing me... I have forgotten how to log onto my blog! Can you believe it? Well, I thought this would be the best way to overcome that little scenario. In the grand scheme of things this is just a minor setback that I will look into with more detail at a later time. The most important thing for me to do is to get my ideas down and worry about putting it on my blog later. With the added stress of studying added to the full time teaching load and a young family, I am trying desperately not to let the little things get in the road of the big picture. So, for the time being the blog will remain “entryless” until I can afford the time necessary to get it together. I have decided to place my entries in a word document and then paste them in later when I finally get around to completing the assignments and readings.